The Neuroiflammation Study gruoup is taking care for two main projects:
1- Delirium in ICU: the link between neuroinflammation and functional brain alterations (fMRI)
We are performing a cross-sectional prospective study to understand the link between Biomarkers of cerebral inflammation and delirium development.
When ICU patient develop delirium we are performing a resting state fMRI and correlate its alteration with the presence of circulating brain neuroinflammation biomarkers.
2- Antibiotic Penetration in CSF of patients with an implanted External Ventricular Drainage (EVD)
Afetr the publication on Neuro Critical Care Journal of the first article entitlet : “Daptomycin Plasma and CSF Levels in Patients with Healthcare-Associated Meningitis” we are studiyng the penetration of another promizing antibiotic in the CSF: Ceftobiprole.


Dr. Simone Piva
Dirigente Medico in Anestesia e Rianimazione.